Saturday, November 08, 2014

Interstellar : A must watch!

"Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light."

A beautiful poem by Dylan Thomas and and a beautiful work by the Nolan brothers: Interstellar Movie!
Sometimes words are just not enough... there are epics, there are revolutionary moments, there are geniuses, there are brilliant works of art, that are meant to be just that.. allowing words to describe them is quantifying them which is next to impossible but then again I'm just one small speck in this endless universe and the last person knowledgeable enough to judge that!

But as far as my understanding goes, what I experienced today is beyond words, beyond anything I can pen down, beyond everything I expected from this movie and people who know me very well know that my expectations from a Christopher Nolan movie can never be anything less than spectacular! All I can say is Interstellar is a MUST WATCH!!



Treading into the realms of life, Discovering myself.

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